Friday, August 19, 2011

"Sense & Sensibility"

Good sense is spoken of in Proverbs quite a bit. For example, it tells us a man is commended by it (Proverbs 12:8) that it wins favor (Proverbs 13:15), that it is a fountain of life (Proverbs 16:22), and that to wander from it is deadly (Proverbs 21:16).

But what does good sense look like? What does it do? How do I know if I have it? I think I’m a sensible person. I’ve said things and people said “that makes good sense”. So I must have good sense, right? Proverbs gives us a different criteria for determining good sense. Here it is.

Proverbs 19:11 “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” OUCH!

We may say things that make good sense, but God says good sense is seen in our attitude toward other people. Those “other people” that irritate us and sometimes offend us.

When we see the fruit of good sense, commendation, favor, fountain of life, etc we can see the merit in this principle. Hot headed people, people who are easily offended and want to make an issue out of every offense, are not people who are usually commended or looked up to by their peers. They are not people who win favor with others or seem filled with life. They are people who are absorbed with self, proud and obnoxious. Short tempered, vindictive people lack good sense. They are miserable people, impossible to work with, and painful to live with.

Good sense makes one slow to anger. This is a description of a selfless person. This one with good sense is a Humble, Spirit filled person who understands grace, mercy and forgiveness. They understand that God in his mercy and grace is slow to anger against them and they forgive others as Christ has forgiven them.

Good sense overlooks an offense. Good sense realizes that love covers a multitude of sins. Proverbs 10:12; 1 Peter 4:8. A person with good sense does not make an issue out of every little offense done against them. A person with good sense gives people the benefit of the doubt. There are some whose whole life is bound up in the chains of offenses done against them. They cannot get over them, they cannot let them go.

The bottom line is if I am going to be a person of good sense I must first know the forgiveness that has been provided through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for my sin. He covered all my transgressions with his blood. Ephesians 1:7 He who has been forgiven much loves much. Luke 7:47. I must receive this gift of God in Jesus Christ through faith in Him alone. Ephesians 2:8-10

Then I must walk in the Spirit, be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit every day. Ephesians 5:18; Galatians 5:15-16.

I may say things that make good sense but the fear of the Lord is to live a life that demonstrates good sense. Wisdom and good sense go hand in hand. Proverbs 1:7

“When I become bitter or unforgiving toward others, I’m assuming that the sins of others are more serious than my sins against God.  The cross transforms my perspective.  Through the cross I realize that no sin committed against me will ever be as serious as the innumerable sins I’ve committed against God.  When we understand how much God has forgiven us, it’s not difficult to forgive others.” C.J. Mahaney

The reality is not everything I may find personally offensive is being done to offend me personally. I need to do unto others as I would have them do unto me. Good sense takes that into consideration - “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.”

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