Friday, August 5, 2011

"Lurking at Every Corner"

Proverbs has much so say about the subject of adultery, immorality and the sacredness of the marriage union between husband and wife.

Certainly sexual sin is a sin unlike any other Paul alludes to this in 1 Corinthians 6:15-20. Sexual sin affects us right down to the very core of our being. God loves us and warns us about things that will destroy our lives and at the top of the list is sexual immorality.

Chapters 5 and 7 of Proverbs are two of the key passages on the subject. Two chapters we should all read over and over again. For now I just want to draw our attention to verse 5:2.

“that you may keep discretion, and your lips may guard knowledge.” Proverbs 5:2

I draw our attention to it for one simple reason. It alludes to our conversation. Where does most adultery begin? It starts with a conversation. It may be a friend, often is a friend, it may be a colleague at work, or in a counseling situation. It is very Innocent at first, but familiarity and flirting start to enter into the language and when that happens walls begin to break down, flattery is starting to build a bridge not to life but to death. Proverbs 5:5

Over time you begin to open up to that other person, sharing with them things, problems and personal things that should only be shared with your spouse. Talk leads to touch, a hug or a pat on the arm, innocent at first but you think about that touch the rest of the day. Gradually liberties are being enjoyed that indicate deception has taken over in your heart. We all know where this is headed so I’m not going to take us all the way there. The end is not pretty, it is ugly.

Two families are ripped apart, children are crushed, spouses are enraged, bitter and want out.
Proverbs 2:19 speaks to this issue of adultery. It is a dead end street, one way street. “None who go to her return…”

Guard your conversation with the opposite sex. We can be friendly, kind and courteous, we need to practice those things with everyone. But we know when we have crossed the line from being friendly to being flirtatious. Are we being friendly in our speech or do our words have a hidden agenda. Are you hoping those words lead somewhere?

Proverbs gives us some good advice
Proverbs 4:23-27

“Keep your heart” vs 23 - out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. What does our conversation with the opposite sex say about what is going on in our hearts?

“Put away from you crooked and devious speech” vs 24

“Stop gawking around” vs 25 What are you looking at? What are you looking for?

“Think about what you are doing, where you are headed” vs 26

“Stay on the straight and narrow” vs 27 Do not give this kind of temptation any room to maneuver.

Don’t try to fight this kind of sin, the Bible tells us to flee sexual sin. Run away, stop talking. Go home and rejoice with the wife of your youth. Proverbs 5:18-19

Proverbs 7:6-27

For a man's ways are before the eyes of the LORD,

and he ponders all his paths.
The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him,
and he is held fast in the cords of his sin.
He dies for lack of discipline,
and because of his great folly he is led astray.
Proverbs 5:21-23

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