Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Under the Influence"

This is not a post about drinking!!
Question, are you under the influence? Stupid question? Or you might ask (a bit defensively) the influence of what? Is something influencing you right now as you are reading this? Let me go one step further and give you the answer – the answer is yes and I can say that with certainty even though I don’t even know you. Each person reading this is under the influence of something very powerful so much so it influences the way you talk, the way you think, it influences your decisions, your dreams, goals, and even your outlook on life. It Influences you both in a positive way and a negative way. What I am talking about may surprise you– I am not talking about drugs or alcohol but rather your friends. Whether we want to admit it or not each one of us right this moment is under the influence of our friends to some degree or another.

Proverbs tells us...
Pro 12:26 The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.

“When you choose the company you keep, you choose the messages of life you will hear, which means you choose your future.” Zig Ziglar

The Bible re-enforces this principle time and time again. We are all influenced by the company we keep.

1Co 15:33 Do not be deceived: "Evil company corrupts good habits."

The righteous should choose his friends carefully – Why ?Because they will influence his life!
We are all under the influence – the influence of our friends. The influence consists of the messages of life we are getting from those we choose to be with. This may be a positive thing or it may be a negative thing What are the messages of life you are getting from your friends? What’s the use, why bother, things will never change, you can’t do that, don’t believe that believe this, and on and on it goes. Dream? Crumbling, complaining, why bother it will never happen - Negative, negative, negative. Are those the messages you get from your friends, then you need some new company. If the messages from your friends are positive, and pointing you to Jesus Christ and His word that is great – keep those friends.

Read a story a long time ago drives home the point …
Somehow an egg from an eagles nest had rolled into a chicken coup and hatched. After the little eaglet came out of the egg he began to listen to the other chickens. He learned from them the messages of life from the perspective of a chicken. As the eaglet began to grow it looked up and could see these majestic looking birds flying overheard. He was told they were eagles but he could never fly like that because he was just a chicken, so he would just peck around in the dust, jump up and down with the other chickens. As he grew he longed to be up there soaring – something in him said there had to be more to this life even though all the messages he was getting from those around him said there wasn’t. One day he decided to try flapping his wings – all the other chickens laughed at him and mockingly flapped theirs to . But as he flapped he began to fly, and suddenly he was up in the air soaring with the other eagles realizing that all along his well meaning but misguided friends had not been telling him the truth.

Maybe you have been wondering is there more to life – wondering about the Bible, Jesus Christ
Your friends think you’re crazy, there is nothing more. Maybe today you need to start flapping your wings of faith. Pick up that bible and dust it off, go to church, talk to someone you know who loves God. Maybe you’ve been told you will not amount to anything so stop trying – but you have a dream, longing to be used by God in a special way. Maybe you need to surround yourself with some new messages of life from some new friends. Remember, "There is a friend who is closer than a brother" his name is Jesus and His message is a life changing message. It is a message of love, forgiveness and freedom from sin, abundant life and becoming a new creation through faith in Jesus Christ. Lies will always enslave, the truth will always set us free. The issues at stake are your future on earth but also your eternal destiny. Make sure you are under the influence of those who are telling you the truth. The truth as it is revealed in the Word of God. We are all under the influence – the only question is WHOSE?

“When you choose the company you keep, you choose the messages of life you will hear, which means you choose your future.” Zig Ziglar

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