Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Squeaky Stairs"

I grew up in an old farmhouse in Northern Maine. It was a nice old farmhouse, lots of character and charm. However, there was one thing about that house as I grew into my teen years that I began to despise. There was a general understanding between me and my parents that I was to be home on week-ends by 11:45 PM . That normally did not present a problem because in my home town you ran out of things to do around 6:30. But one particular night I found myself arriving home around 1:00 AM. (I must have been out of town.) So I took off my shoes and started to go up (sneak up) the stairs to my bedroom - when suddenly ... “CREEEEEEAK”. Those old squeaky stairs were shouting to my parents, “HE”S LATE”. They heard the shout, “Hal, is that you?” Now If I said nothing I risked being shot ( my dad was always ready for intruders) so “Yes” was the prudent but reluctant answer. “Good night Hal , we’ll talk about it in the morning.” So I laid in bed contemplating this unfortunate turn of events. I concluded they must have gotten up at 11:46 and squeezed every last bit of moisture out of those stairs because there is no way they were that loud when I left. I hated those stairs. All I really wanted to talk about in the morning is where can we find a good carpenter to silence those stairs. (to increase the resale value of course ) All they wanted to talk about is what the “creaky stairs” told them last night, “HE”S LATE”.

Proverbs gives us a flashing yellow light "squeaky stairs" to warn us we may be going down a dangerous path. It helps us know when we or others might be about to make a very bad decision.
18:1 “Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire;
he breaks out against all sound judgment.”

Avoiding counsel, avoiding accountability, avoiding the “squeaky stairs” is a sure sign we are considering a decision that we know may be wrong. When that is true it is amazing how loud and annoying people can be. So we isolate ourselves. We stop coming to church, stop reading our bibles, stop asking for advise. Why? We are seeking our own desire, we are being driven by selfishness. At the end of that road is one thing - heartache. Where are you right now? Are you angry with some “squeaky” friends or family members. Are you avoiding people because you are afraid what they will tell you? Thank God for people in your life who will hold you accountable, who will warn you when you are about to go down a wrong path. You don’t need to silence the stairs you need to silence your guilty conscience, you need to listen, humble yourself and repent. When our desire is to live holy and pleasing lives before God and our conscience is clean we will not find squeaky stairs annoying but rather a gift.
Proverbs 18:10 "The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
the righteous man runs into it and is safe."

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