Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Just a Little More"

Proverbs 25:16 “If you have found honey, eat only enough for you, lest you have your fill of it and vomit it.

IF you have found honey, something sweet to the taste. What does that mean? Well I think it means if you have found something you like, something that works, something that was pleasurable and enjoyable - show some restraint. Have you found something like that? May, in fact, have been that favorite dessert that was soooooo good. Or it may have been a program that you put on that went really well, everyone enjoyed it and it was a blessing to all who came. Or it may be a special friend. It could be any number of things. What do we tend to do with a good thing? We want more of it. We tend to hoard them, over indulge them, eat to much of them. Consequently that which at one time was a great source of joy has become something we have tired of, or even worse something that is making us sick. That which was soooooo good and we ate so much of we can’t even look at it now without a sense of revulsion. Why? Because we over did it.
Some things are better in little doses. When you hear someone say, "I can't believe I ate the whole thing!" They are seldom smiling and if they happen to be smiling with some deluded grin, it won't be for long.
I know in churches sometimes if a particular activity goes very well, maybe it happens twice a year, often people will assume that if it goes well twice a year then we should do it every month and it will be even better. What ends up happening is it becomes to much, to familiar, and people lose interest. We kill it by overdoing it. Sometimes we need to learn that more is not always better.
It may be that special friend. If we could just spent more time with them, but sometimes more is not better. It is those special times, that may not be as often as you like, that keeps the friendship fresh and enjoyable. Many a friendship has ended because it was decided if we are this happy together once a week imagine how great it would be to share an apartment and be together all the time. It starts off great as you would expect, but soon they have their fill of each other and the friendship quickly deteriorates and they wind up on Judge Judy. That is not always the case obviously, but sometimes more is not always better.
If you have found honey, something special, be wise, control yourself. Eat only what is good for you. Sometimes the key to keeping things special is to do them less often not more often. Familiarity breeds contempt. It is better to leave people wanting more than to over do it and have them say “not this again”.
The wise person knows that sometimes more is not always better. We need to teach this to ourselves and to our children.

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