Thursday, September 16, 2010

Giving Thanks

The Bible tells us that “in everything we are to give thanks”. This means In every place, in every situation, in every circumstance you find a Christian you should find someone who is thankful. Notice, he does not say for everything but in everything give thanks. The reality is that on a superficial level there is a whole lot more to gripe about than to give thanks about. However, based on the conversations one hears every day, I think it is safe to say that the superficial level is very well represented in every arena of life. In the workplace, in homes, and sadly even in churches, the gripers and complainers will always outnumber those who are thankful. The truth is, being thankful or unthankful reflects what is going on in a persons’ heart not in their circumstances. Being thankful is choosing to think a certain way. It is choosing to examine, to consider, to look for things the non-thinking person will never see or consider. Romans 5:21" For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened." Being thankful means choosing to respond biblically to the circumstances of life not just react to them. So as we celebrate thanksgiving may I leave us with a few thoughts to chew on along with the turkey this year. Psalm 118:1 "For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Here we have a statement about God’s character. This is describing not what God does - but who God is. Not his actions but his being. Here we have a statement about God’s unchanging character. God is good and his love endures forever - that never changes. Our Faith will be tested at this point possibly more than any other. Here we have a statement about our refuge in God’s unchanging character. Our refuge is not found in understanding why God brings the things into our lives that he does. Our refuge goes deeper than trying to understand his actions. HE is our refuge - His character.. Therefore in everything we can give thanks and in doing so we will shine as light in the midst of a dark, dark world. And in so doing give testimony to the world that we serve a God who can be trusted because HE is good and His steadfast love endures forever.

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