Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"They're bored, We're broke"

The presents are all opened, the wide-eyed anticipation of our children has been rewarded with many if not all of those things they said they wanted and just couldn't live without. Now just a few days later those toys they couldn't live without, they can't even find, that special doll is now just another doll, that "one-of-a-kind , Awesome , guaranteed to bring fun back into my life" toy is now old hat and unexciting. A week after Christmas our children are bored, we are broke and left wondering if it's to late to get our money back. One of the hardest lessons for our children to learn is that things do not satisfy for very long, if at all. But as parents we are convinced year after year that this will be the year that "things" will satisfy only to be met once again with those word's "I'm Bored". As a parent I enjoy giving gifts to my children and hope and usually "know" that this gift will really satisfy them, because I believe the same thing about my own life. Deep down most of us really believe that all we need to satisfy us and make us happy are more things. You see one of the hardest lessons for children AND THEIR PARENTS to learn is that things do not satisfy for very long ,if at all. Things have their place; they are not to be our masters, there purpose is not to satisfy us but to serve us. Isaiah reminds us that satisfaction cannot be bought. Joy and satisfaction are only found one place - a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ. "Only Jesus can Satisfy your soul." Parents let your kids see that principle at work in your life this Christmas.
Isa 55:2-3 "Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen diligently to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live;"

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