Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"Says Who?"

I have heard a lot of sermons in my day. I have heard many different responses to a sermon. “That was a very moving sermon” or “That was thought provoking” or that was very profound” or “that was a powerful sermon”. But I do not think I have ever heard someone comment on a sermon by saying “that was an authoritative sermon.” Maybe it has something to do with how we think. We go to church and yes, we want to hear a word from God, a moving word, a provoking word, a profound word. But how many of us want to hear a Word from God that speaks to us with authority? A word that does not suggest but commands. Many would shudder at such a thought. When Jesus preached his first sermon the response was immediate, yes he was profound, provoking and powerful but “they marveled because he spoke with authority.” I wonder if a pastor were to stand up and read the Sermon on the Mount as his message one Sunday how many in the congregation would marvel at its authority. I wonder how many people read the Bible or listen to the Bible today as an authoritative book? The problem people have with authority is that it does not merely call people to speculate or to examine their feelings. Jesus Said if you love me Keep my commandments. Authority calls people to obedience. Authority implies the right to call people to obedience. That's what sinful men react against. There is no wiggle room. When sinful men hear the Word of God their response is "Says Who?" Far to many people hear the word of God as a message from man and not from God and therefore it has little if any authority over their daily lives. "Everyone does what is right in his own eyes."

Paul's thankfulness in the book of Thessalonians reflects this fact that he understood the authority of the Word of God
1 Thess 2:13 “And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers.”

The Bible is the word of God, it is not just someone’s opinion. It is God’s message to us. A message of mercy, love, compassion, life, salvation, forgiveness, hope, grace and peace and a message of absolute authority. Pray that men and women boys and girls (You and I) will hear the word not as the word from men but as what it really is, the WORD OF GOD. “whatever he says to you do it.” That is the only right response the Word of God. For further reading go to ...
Psalm 19:4-7; Psalm 119:1-178

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